Contentment in Motherhood
Andrea Rudy
5/31/20232 min read
The contentment of mothers is under attack in our world. We are bombarded with media that tantalizes our flesh with romance, riches, and fame. It’s no wonder we feel valueless in our simple calling to nurture family and home. We compare our situation to another woman’s, wishing we had whatever her elusive key to happiness seems to be. “How lucky she is! If only I had her perfect life.”
Perhaps at some point someone thought the same thing of the Apostle Paul 2,000 years ago. Maybe his was a life to be envied - traveling the world, becoming famous, having shipwrecked adventures on islands, making friends in every community. And he certainly was a man of deep contentment and joy. Here is what he wrote:
“Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” -Philippians 4:11-13
He sounds so happy and free. What a lucky guy!
Not so much. Paul penned these words while he was rotting in a Roman jail cell.
Contentment is learned. It is won from hard-fought heart battles, from choosing thankfulness in the toughest seasons. True contentment - not transitory, fleeting happiness - is born from a spirit of gratitude for the small things, from the peaceful knowledge that we are walking in the will of God, and from the hope of eternal life through salvation in Jesus Christ.
Nothing can take that kind of contentment away. Not a Roman jail cell, and definitely not washing dishes and doing laundry.
Lord, help us to follow you in every way, in the small things and the large. Show us how to fight the battle of discontent and comparison in our lives, so that we can be the example to our children that you’ve asked us to be. Thank you for everything you’ve provided for us and our families. Thank you for your gift of eternal life. Amen.